Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Taking photos of clocks on walls set up at different sites worldwide has been an action of mine to make me remember the correct time for my visit and to make me remember the city or the village where I stayed. The intention was a good one. But later on I  forgot to up- date the information of the correct places where I had seen the wall clocks. So let me rock around the clocks for a while showing photos of clocks on walls on unknown houses or streets or famous buildings in cities , towns and on houses belonging to friends. As you know, the clock is an instrument for measuring and showing the time. You may see the correct local time in cities visited by me. Any suggestions about where I have been because I do not remember myself. But you see the correct local time for my stay.
As time goes by - rock around the clock - questions asked: What time is it?, Quelle heure est-il?, Que hora es?, Kas te voite øelda, mis kell on?, Was is die Uhr? Good luck with the searching of the site where the clock is set up and what was my mission there?

Wall clocks are mounted on walls in classrooms, schools, train stations, airports, homes, businesses, officies and churches. Some wall clocks are used as a decoration on official buildings. The wall clocks are made in many different ways and varieties. Wall clocks are designed to match a specific style of decoration of official buildings too. Take a look at my private collections.


Eevi said...


I always have a good time when I read your blog.

This time I´d like to specify the phrase ´What time is it?” in Estonian language.
The question is:
Kas te voite øelda, mis kell on? (or Kas võite öelda, mis kell on?)

Best wishes,
Eevi Kärdla; Estonia.

Teddview Audiovisual Archival Management (TAAM) said...

Thank you, Eevi. I have made corrections of the blog.