Thursday, September 30, 2010


I must admit that I agree with friends who are of the opinions that I am
classified as old-fashioned, too conservative, too active in setting up certain standards for my work and actions. Agreed. With reference the novel " Sinners in Summertime (1927) " written by the Norwegian author Sigurd Hoel, John makes this famous statement: " ...Du er en selvbedrager og tilhører som sådan den forrige generasjon..." (...You are self-delusion and belongs to the previous generation...)
Gertrude Stein called the generation after the First World War for " the lost generation " and the statement made her famous worldwide -for your information only.
Back to business , so to speak. My statement is that we have to accept documentaries
made about historical events as important sources for any research work necessary to
be done.I did view a documentary dealing with the famous evacuation of British, French and Allied soldiers at Dunkerque in France year 1940. But I did not know that Norwegian commando soldiers also took part in the battle? To be sure about the matter, I went to pay a visit to The Norwegian Defence Media Centre situated in Oslo
at Akershus Castle. A dvd copy of the film: " Norske commandos på Walcheren "( Norwegian commandos at Walcheren) was presented to me. To my surprise I saw the same shots used in the documentary called " The Battle of Britain ". Yes, I am old
fashioned but I still think we need to keep a certain standard with reference to
sources whether the facts are written documents or films made.The audiovisual archives worldwide need to make better content descriptions of films stored in the archives. In 1940 ,no Norwegian commando soldiers participated in the evacuation. But
the Norwegian soldiers took part in the attack on the island called Walcheren in 1944.But that is another story. For further studies of the battle of Walcheren: Arnfinn Haga: Klar til storm. Med de norske commandos i annen verdenskrig. J.W. Cappelens Forlag A.S. 1984. 180 Pages. Photos. Sources for the book: Public Record Office in London (No 10 Inter Allied Commando. No 5 Troop). The battle of Walcheren is also dealt with in the book: " Armageddon- The Battle of Germany 1944- 45" written by Max Hastings. Sorry, but the author has not included the story of the Norwegian commandos
in his book- only the Canadian soldiers are dealt with at pages 214- 219. Sorry.A review of the book " Klar til storm " was published in the Norwegian local newspaper
" Nordstrand Østre Aker Blad (NØAB)" ,(Nordstrands Blad ),February 13, 1985.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Some came running - I am not thinking about the famous novel written by the American author James Jones or the movie with the same title.The plot is based on the novel. No. I am concerned about a shot of some British soldiers running. They run fast because the shot is taken during a real battle. They run for their lives, so to speak. I do not know where they are running. I do not know the site for the event or the correct year for the event. I see that the soldiers are running from the right side of the picture to the left side. The shot was found in two different documentaries: " The Battle of Britain " and " Elite Forces.Paratroops 1940-1945 ".
I am viewing and evaluating the films as any other source about the Second World War.
Written papers about historical events are objects for critical evaluations by those who want to add the documents to the list of papers used for the report. In the film
" The Battle of Britain " ,the shot is used to show you the fighting before the evacuation at Dunkerque, or " Dunkirk", in France. The year is 1940. Dunkerque is associated with the famous evacuation of British,French and Allied troops in 1940. The same shot is again used in the film:
" Elite Forces. Paratroops 1940-1945 ". But I am not viewing dramatic events close to
Dunkerque in 1940 but viewing a report about Operation Market Garden in September 1944 close to Arnhem in Holland.The film " A Bridge too FAR " is about the Operation Market Garden. The year is 1944. Some British soldiers came running but I do not know the correct site for the running. My approach to the running soldiers is my
concern about the source I am viewing.It is important to trust the source whether it is a written document or a report made by moving images. Do we trust the documentaries as a source when we again and again discover the misuse of shots?
No. We do not reuse papers contenting wrong information when we select facts for a
report to be published.Audiovisual archives need to make sure that facts stored in the catalogues are correct facts.A work to be done.