Saturday, November 3, 2018

Jean-Toussiant  Desanti
When I passed an ordinary house in the city of Ajaccio, Corsica, a week ago I had no information about the man who had lived here. No. But I am interested in Wall history, so to speak. Information that has been put on the walls making you understand the importance of the house, the history and the persons who had lived in the house are information of interest. A site might be evaluated with reference to persons who had stayed on the site a long time ago.  Frankly speaking, I went to Ajaccio to visit the house where the famous French officer and The Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte had lived. But I passed a house where the French educator, writer and philosopher Jean- Toussaint Desanti  had lived. I took a photo of the house even if I did not know about the man who had stayed in the house. But I got information later on about him.

Jean- Toussaint Desanti was born in 1914 and he died in 2002. He wrote books. He taught philosophy at the Ecole Normanle Superieure in Paris, at the Lycee Lakanal, at Ecole normale superieure de Saint-Cloud and at Sorbonne. Above all: He was a member of the French Resistance movement during the Second World War associated with Jean-Paul Sartre and Andre Malraux. In 1943 he joined the French Communist Party. He left the party in 1956.
He had studied both the philosophy of mathematics and phenomenology. 

Selected works
-Les Idealities mathemathiques, Recherches epistemologiques sur le developpement de la theorie des  fonctions de variables reelles(1968)
-Phenomenologie et praxis ( 1962)
-La Philosophie silencieuse ou Critique des philosophies de la science(1975)
-Reflexions sur le temps(1982)
-Philosophie, un reve de flambeur, conversations avec Dominique-Antoine Grisoni
-La liberte nous aime encore with Dominique Desanti and Roger-Pol Droit(2001)

I passed his house in the city of Ajaccio, Corsica, about  week ago, took a photo of the house and later on I studied the history of the man.

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