Sunday, December 25, 2011


Only sixteen and too young to fight for the German military and political expansion on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. Only sixteen years of age. His name was Ivar Olsen. He changed his name to Skarlo in 1956 because he was mixed up with a person with the same name.Ivar was an adventurer who was fascinated by the German technology and military strength like many of his friends. The military story of Ivar Skarlo has been written and published. The title of the book is:" 16 år og Hitlers soldat. Historien om Ivar Skarlo, en norsk soldat på Østfronten ". The story is written by Odd Helge Brugrand who has done a good work.Ivar Skarlo fought for Germany. He also fought for Norway because he believed in a victory for Hitler and his armies fighting the Russians.He was only sixteen and too young to face a life as crippled. Ivar fought for the Baltic countries too. In Latvia, Riga, his left arm was cut off at the hospital in the city.Crippled for life at the age of eighteen. The year is 1944.He had fought hard at the battle of Narva, Estonia.He was not the only Norwegian who was wounded during the battle.Too many of his Norwegian friends were killed and buried in Estonia.Ivar was a strong boy and he survived.
Ivar Skarlo will be rememebred as a hero in Estonia but not in Norway. He fought against a country which was allied to The Norwegian Government in london.The Norwegian population was not supporting the wars of Hitler. Norwegian Front fighters who joined
the SS-Division Wiking and Waffen-SS, were not welcomed by the majority of the Norwegian population due to the fact that Norway was occopied by the Germans. But Ivar was only sixteen and loved all kind of machines and military actions.He died in October, 2010. I recommend you all to take a look at the list of sources:Eesti Filmiarhiiv,Tallinn, Estonia and Narva Museum. Mart Laar: " Eesti Leegion,sonas ja pildis ", " Stalinism was just as bad as Nazism " and " Sinimaed ", Tallinn, Estonia.
The story of Ivar Skarlo is a dramatic story about a young boy who made a decision based on personal interests but who failed all the way.


Unknown said...

Hei! Lest denne? :)

Verdt å sjekke ut hvis du ikke har lest den!

mvh barnebarnet

Teddview Audiovisual Archival Management (TAAM) said...

Boken er lest med stor interesse.
Frontkjempere fikk for streng straff.Lett å ta denne gruppen.
Målet for kampen er jeg ikke enig i
og man må kjenne tiden for å forstå hvorfor de deltok i Hitlers
erobringskrig for å styrke Tysklands velstand. Kampen mot Russland var ren plynding intet annet.