Sunday, January 12, 2020


I woke up one morning discovering that my nice neighbour for some years had became one of the most famous  pop art artists in Oslo. Mr. Werner Kling- Congratulation! Some make it all the time even if all odds are against them. The title of the book which was released in 2019 is : « KISS ME MR.KING». What mission has the book, so far? The content of the book is poems connected to paintings contenting issues that might have a provocative impression on some of you – but not all. The paintings and the poems are provocative, colorful and above all: Funny. Werner Kling has done painting for years. He has got inspiration for his poems and paintings during his many travels to cities like London, Barcelona, Paris and Los Angeles. The artist is self taught, so to speak. No formal education in the field of painting and writing. He is pop artist who is combining words and sayings with strong colors. He is aware that some might find his works beautilful but some might dislike his approach to emotions and people.Anyway -the works are entertaining works contenting issues presented as a mixture of metal confusion,chaos, personal aggression, non political,- and a wish to be noticed. It is called Pop art, I think.

Let me quote one poem only:

No one was born to be evil.
We were born to be equal.
Some say we are born as unique originals,
But we die as bad copies. True.
We are equal
Thank you, pop art artist Werner Kling.

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