Monday, December 23, 2019


For years I have been working hard with an important issue: The use of radio transmitted programmes, television transmitted programmes and above all:The use of feature films as an important source for resarchers and for academic work. I do think some individuals have understood the message of making use of more than the written words for academic degrees. Written papers are still important for the work done, but a feature film can add new facts to the work in the academic world-  I think-you agree? Please view photos of movies collected by me year by year for private use only. In this case I am adding facts to the published book: " EKKO FRA SPANIA. DEN SPANSKE BORGERKRIGEN I NORSK OFFENTLIGHET "- Published by Dreyers Forlag Oslo,2019. The writers are: Hans Fredrik Dahl, Bernt Hagtvet and Rolf Werenskjold.

From the movie about Errol Flynn and his visit to Spain where they all believed he could support the fight against Franco.EFs friend Dr. Hermann F. Erben had hoped for support- invain.

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