Saturday, November 26, 2016


The Norwegian armed forces museum is situated in Oslo at Akershus Castle. I paid the museum a visit some days ago together with two close friends. We enjoyed the stay because the collections of Norwegian military history are important for understanding of the history of Norway. Nils Birger Olsen is the head of the friends of the Norwegian armed forces museum
. The bookshop of the museum is run by the friends of the museum. Dvds of movies and documentaries dealing with the Second World War were a part of the sale of the bookshop. I bought an interesting book: Lars Borgersrud: Nødvendig innsats .(Eng: Necessary Effort).Sabotørene som skapte den aktive motstanden.
The content of the book is based on the doctor's degree of Lars Borgersrud published in 1995.
352 pages of thrilling studies made by the writer during his work that lasted for about thirteen years. 352 pages have been studied by me after the visit to the museum. Not a boring moment!For those of you who do not know much about the military and political situation of Norway from 1940 to 1945 the reports published might confuse you. I recommend you to read the official reports of the situation to compare the statements made by Lars Borgersrud in his book. Do we need to evaluate the official history of the war with reference to statements and documents presented in book mentioned? I think we need a new version of what went on in Norway from 1940 to 1945.
Dvds are for sale too. You can get a copy of the documentary about the Norwegian saboteur, Asbjørn Sunde, also called " Osvald ". The title of the film is: " Offer eller Spion" ( Eng: Sacrifice or Espionage?".

" Necessary Effort "deals with the secret war of Soviet Union against Germany before the German invasion of Soviet Union in 1941. The main target for the actions were ships bound for Germany. The saboteurs were recruited by Fritz Karl " Ernst " Wollweber.The story of the work done by the group is thrilling. It was a dangerous work. It was a question of life and death for those who participated in the work. Many were killed The story of Asbjørn Sunde and his supporters working later in Norway is Norwegian military history.
Asbjørn Sunde.

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