Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The Norwegian poet, writer and television journalist, Bjørn Nilsen has published a new book about his experience working for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). After having read his book: " Journalist og aktivist ", I remembered two poems that might
give you a realistic description of his attitude to work, politics, society and to those who have power and about all: His approach to facts and research work and archives. Later on in a new blog I will comment on his interesting book about the conflict between working for a national information corporation and being active politically in Norway.
Do not believe just because
wise men say so.
Do not believe just because
it has always
been that way.
Do not believe just because
others may
believe so
Examine and
experience yourself.

The Buddha ( From Kalama Sutra)

The name of the poet of the second poem is unknown.

Do not follow
where the path may lead
Go instead
where there is no path

And leave a trail.

Bjørn Nilsen(b. 1934-)has written about 19 books.

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