Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The yellow division.
The year is 2008. The date is November 20. The Norwegian government made a public statement about the new combat aircraft for the Norwegian Air Force. The decision was not in favor of the multirole fighter, Swedish Saab made JAS 39 Gripen. No. The Anglo-American fighter aircraft, Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II was the winner. The decision was not a surprise to those who have studied the history of the Norwegian Air Force.
After the end of the Second World War, Sweden decided to produce fighter aircrafts. At the end of the war in Korea in 1954, Sweden had the world's fourth most powerful air force. The Swedish made fighter aircraft, Saab 29 Tunnan, was already in action.A total of 661 of " the flying barrel " were built from 1950 to 1956. In 1949 Norway co-founded NATO. The Cold War was a reality for Norwegian politicians who did not want to be taken by surprise once more like in 1940. The air force had to be rebuilt to meet the new situation: The Cold War. Norway received American aircrafts through MAP(Military Aid Program). From 1952 to 1960, the dominating fighter aircraft was the American Republic F-84 Thunderjet. No Swedish
combat aircrafts like " J29 Flygande Tunnan " were bought. In year 2008 the situation is still the same: No Swedish aircrafts for the Norwegian Air Force.What about the movie called " GULA DIVISION " or " Yellow Division " and why making comments on the subject of buying aircrafts from Sweden? The answer is that the film is a movie made for those
who have an interest in aircrafts. The plot is not about the Korea War and the political situation and tension and the Cold War and the relationship between Norway
and Sweden.No. The plot is dealing with family problems, love problems and the issue about duty, work, and responsibility and living a normal family life. The plot could have been used in any film. The film can be viewed to-day due to the realistic shots
of the interesting Swedish fighter J29. You are not viewing a beauty among aircrafts.No. If you compare the shape of the plane with the British made "Spitfire " and the American fighter aircraft," F-86 Sabre", the J29 is like a fat man or woman who should reduce the daily eating and made more training.The shots of
aircrafts are good and interesting making a visual report about the training of pilots in 1954. The movie was released in 1954. The film was unknown to me before
I found the film this year in Sweden. GULA DIVISIONEN has the right to live. The film is a historical film about the Swedish Air Force in 1954 - very different from
the air force to-day. But the aircraft is not an object for the aesthetic enjoyment. Famous Swedish actors like Hasse Ekman (1915-204),Sven Lindberg and Lars Ekborg(1926-69) are playing pilots. Austrian Air Force bought about 30 " flying barrels " in 1961. No " flying barrels " were bought by The Norwegian Air Force. Sorry.
Latest news from Pentagon,February 17,2010: Delay in production of F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter. One year delay in production. Norway has decided to buy 48 F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter from year 2016. Updating information,July 14,2010: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and JAS 39 Gripen were tested and as combat fighters. It was important not to be seen on the radar. Gripen was discovered too many times and shot down in the computer
simulator system used for the tests. Sorry. On the radar JSF has the size of a golf ball.F-16 has the size of a car!(The source: HÃ¥kon Bonafede. Vi Menn,nr.8. 2010)

The year is 2016. The debate about about buying the American aircraft, Joint Strike Fighter, is still on the agenda among Norwegian politicians and journalists. A new book has been published dealing with the issue: " ANGREP ELLER FORSVAR. Kampfly, norske verdier og sikkerhets-politiske ambisjoner ". Ingeborg Eliassen and Cathrine Sandes have written the book. Joint Strike Fighter is too expensive for Norway. We need money for the army too. The conclusion of the critical document is that Norway need to keep up a high standard for the army to defend the country in a critical situation.The book is a small book.Only 138 pages. The list of sources used is also published. The book is a positive contribution to a serious debate about the Norwegian support to Nato, and the international conflicts where Nato wants to get involved due to the aims of the organization: A peace making associations of free states- not a war machine to create conflicts ( Not all agree on the Natos policy. " Out of area ").


Lasse Nilsson said...

"The flying barrel" I guess lent its design more from the fastest jet of its time - the Mikoyan Gurewitj MiG-15 - which scared the shit out of the US in the beginning of the Korean war with its speed, maneuverability and altitude possibility.
You are right, the norwegians has always been flying US crap.

Lasse Nilsson said...

By the way, the J29 served the UN troops in Congo 1961-63.
It was the first European swept wing designed jet fighter in production. Over 600 were built.