Tuesday, November 24, 2009


For your information only: Audiovisual Archiving: Philosophy, Principles and Ethics
written by Ray Edmondson has been published in Spanish - Mexican Spanish. The book
was presented by the author at Cuarto seminario internacional de Archivos Sonoros y
Audiovisuales in la Ciudad de Mexico del 9 al 13 de noviembra de 2009. The Spanish title is: Filosofia y principios de los archivos audiovisuales. Fonoteca Nacional de
Mexico arranged the seminar. For those of you who are studying for a degree in librarianship, the book is a must. Ray Edmondson is a travelling, retired librarian
from Australia. I met for the first time in Bogensee, Germany in year 1994. He presented his project about philosophy and audiovisual archives at the FIAT/IFTA and
IASA conference in Bogensee. His project was supported by UNESCO. He established
his own company in 2001: Archive Associates Pty Ltd.

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