Monday, February 22, 2021





Av Tedd Urnes

«…det sponser jeg…» var Ove Rohdes fars spontane reaksjon. Han hadde deltatt i et møte i filmselskapet: Regules Film». Møtet fant sted i Marmorveien 1 på Lambertseter. Vi er nå tilbake i året 1962. En liten gruppe fra Lambertseter ville begynne med smalfilm produksjon. Ingen i gruppen kunne vise til en utdannelse innen filmproduksjon. De hadde alle vært ivrige kinobesøkende på Nordstrand kino, og på « Kassa» på Abildsø. Gruppens medlemmer viste hvordan en cowboyfilm skulle lages. Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy og John Wayne var fortsatt ikke helt glemt.

Gruppens medlemmer var: Ove Rohde, Lasse Olsen, Johnny Solvang, Ingar Engh, Tedd Johansen (Urnes), Stein Jarnfeldt, Gunnar Renberg, Jan Erik Johansen, Ragnar Bagge (Baggis).

Ove Rohde var eier av selskapet som ble finansiert av Oves far.

«… det sponser jeg …» var en god opplysning for gruppa. Økonomien var ikke helt bra. Vi hadde lite med penger de fleste av medlemmene. Vi måtte bruke et 8mm kamera til produksjonen. Vi kjøpte inn både fargefilm og svart/hvit filmer. Lydutstyr var helt umulig å anskaffe. Vi fikk lage stumfilmer.8 mm filmer har 16 bilder pr.minutt.10 ruller med film ble innkjøpt. Kamera som ble brukt, var Kodak Brownie.


Fire filmer ble produsert. Emnevalget var krim, cowboy og skrekkfilm. Ingen lyd til bildene. Ove Rohdes filmselskap ble skapt i en tid hvor mange kunne lett ta del spontane tiltak utført og planlagt av gutta i gata. Likevel tok Ove planleggingen av filmene meget alvorlig. Cowboyfilmen: « De dødes land» ble tatt opp nær Stryken stasjon i Hakadal. Før vi begynte opptakene hadde Lasse Olsen og Ove Rohde foretatt befaring i området. De tok tog til Stryken stasjon. De fulgte elva sydover for å finne en leirplass nær elva. Gullvasking i en elv var et tema i filmen. De fant en fin plass. Deretter tok gruppen toget sammen til Stryken stasjon. I følge Ove hadde jeg kommet tilbake fra speiderleir i England hvor te ble servert til bestemte tider. Den engelske te tradisjonen måtte jeg opprettholde uansett tog eller ikke!

Filmopptaket ble utført uten store problemer. Vi skapte et nytt manus mens vi jobbet. Filmruller ble byttet av Lasse Olsen under et teppe. Vi måtte også ha med indianere i filmen. Gullvasking i elv og mye skyting var faste innslag. Vi hadde ikke mulighet for næropptak av scenene. Det betydde at kamera mannen tok flere scener fra lang avstand, stoppe innspillingen for så å løpe ned til skuespillerne for å ta opptak av ansiktene. Mye moro hadde vi også under slike forhold! Filmen handlet om grådighet blant cowboyene og gullvaskerne. En tragisk skjebne ble resultatet for alle i filmene. Ingen happy ending! Filmene ble filmen i farger uten lyd.


Regules Film produserte fire filmer. Her er titlene på alle filmene:

-1. Young Gangsters, 2. Det Spøker, 3. De dødes Land, 4. Jeff Gordon og Maskemennene.

Filmproduksjonen på Lambertseter i 1963 ble et avsluttet kapitel fordi vi alle var engasjert i ulike jobber, skoler og andre aktiviteter. Uten Ove Rohdes interesse for film og fotokamera, så ville nok ingen ha begynt med opptakene. Ove Rohde arbeidet seinere i fotobutikken på Lambertseter før han begynte et eget firma. Han var tidlig ute med innkjøp av videofilmer til salg og utleie. Innkjøp og salg av fotoalbum og annet ble firmaets hovedoppgave i mange år. Ove kunne ha blitt en meget kjent sangartist også. Han var aktiv i gruppen « Hi-Five» som spilte inn to plater før de gav seg. Ove Rohde var gruppens mannlige sangsolist. Ifølge kritikken kunne han synge engelsk, så vel som svensk med ekte uttale! « Hi-Five» bestod av: Britt Johannessen, Ove Rohde, Ulf Hestnæs, Jo Egil Skjerven og den  kjente artisten Øystein Sunde! Men – det er en annen historie!

Bilde av Ingar Engh som var aktiv under filmarbeidet. Lill Åse Johansen, gift Nordvik, sammen på St.Hans tilstelling i begynnelsen av sekstitallet. Kamera mannen Lasse Olsen, også kalt Lasse Hetty Olsen ,var sammen med Ingar Engh og Lill Åse på St.Hans tilstellingen .Hun var godt bevoktet! Bror Tedd var ikke invitert av herrene.

Lasse Olsen og Lill Åse Johansen, gift Nordvik. (Lill Åse (Lillen) forlot oss i 2017).

Bilde fra filmen: De Dødes Land. Til venstre i bildet er Ingar Engh, midt i bildet Tedd Johansen, seinere Tedd Urnes, og helt til høyre i bildet Gunnar Renberg. Liggende person er Lasse Olsen.

(Ingar Engh ble bare 51 år  gammel)








To av filmgruppens aktive medlemmer: Lasse Olsen (Hetty Olsen) til venstre i bildet og Gunnar Renberg til høyre i bildet.

(Gunnar Renberg fra Marmorveien på Lambertseter døde den 4.oktober 2001)

Tuesday, February 9, 2021






Beatriz Elena Paredes Rangel was born in 1953 . She was interviewed by Once TV in 1999 because she was the first woman who served as president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) of Mexico. The study of Sociology was of great interest to Beatriz Paredes attending the the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAMA). Due to her political activities she never managed to finish her studies at UNAM. Only 21 years of age when she was a Tlaxcala state deputy from 1974 to 1977. From 1978 to 1980 she served as adviser for the Governor of Tlaxacala. In 1982 she was appointed Undersecretary for Agrarian Reform. From 1987 to 1992 she served as Governor of Tlaxcala. In 1993 she was appointed Ambassador to Cuba by President Carlos Salinas. She is currently the Ambassador of Mexico in Brazil.

So far, some information of the official reports of her political work. She made an attempt studying Sociology at UNAM- but she never graduated .

Some of her political statements and issues: Support for the recognition of same-sex unions in Mexico in 2010, and a pro- choice stand on abortion issues .Same-sex marriage was legalized in Mexico in 2010.

The television programme viewed by me again in 2021 was made in 1999 by Isabelle Tardan.The content of the programme is the political life, work and issues that have dominated Beatriz Paredes for years. She is a hard working lady but the life of politics is a life she wanted .The work was supported by The MacArthur-Rockefeller Foundation.

 Further information about Beatriz Paredes Rangel: Wikipedia up dated information on December 30, 2020.







Maria del Rosario Robles Berlanga was born in 1956 in Mexico City. She was educated from National Autonomous University of Mexico in economy. The main contents of the television programme made by Isabelle Tardan, are issues like: Childhood and family, her personal attitude to women in politics, about Mexican politics in general. She is also talking much about her private opinions about foreign Latin American politics in the past. Archival footage and photos have been used showing her political activities until 1999.

Robario Robles has served as the Secretary of Social Development in the cabinet of President Enrique Pena Nieto. She was a member of the Partido de la Revolucion Democratica (PRD) when the programme was made in 1999.

For those who are interested in the political life,the actions and the history of Rosario Robles after the year 1999, I recommend reading of the latest reports presented on Wikipedia. The latest page was edited on January 4, 2021.



Monday, February 8, 2021






TV-Documentary-Biography by Isabelle Tardan

Amalia Dolores Garcia Medina was born in 1951. The documentary produced by ONCE in Mexico is contenting an interesting biography about her childhood, education, famliy background and above all: Her political life. The programme was produced in 1999 about 22 years ago.

Educated at National Autonoma de Mexico in Sociology.

Amalia Garcia is a Mexican politician and a former Governor of Zacatecas. Her political activities began when she joined the The Mexican Communist Party ( PCM) after the student revolts of 1968. She was a member of the Mexican Communist Party(PCM) from 1968 to 1981.Then she joined the Unified Socialist Party of Mexico (PSUM) in 1981.In 1989 she became a founding member of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

She was the fifth woman to serve as governor of a Mexican state.







Rosa Luz Alegria: Su Verdad

Once TV- Mexico- Once

TV-Production. Documentary- Biography


The first women to serve in the Mexican Executive Cabinet was Rosa Luz Alegria Escamilla. She was born in 1949. Educated in physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where she also got involved in students activities. During Luis Echeverria’s presidency, Rosa Luz Alegria began working in the public service. President Jose Lopez Portillo appointed her for the work of the Under-Secratray of Planning and Budget.In 1980 she was appointed Secretary of Tourism becoming the first female Secretary of State of Mexico.

The television programme was made in 1999 by Isabelle Tardan. Rosa Luz Alegria was about 50 years of age when the programme was made. The content of the programme is the story of her life from childhood, education and her early experience dealing with political issues and conflicts in


The story is illustrated by use of archival footage and photos dealing with her life.


Sunday, February 7, 2021






For about twenty years ago I paid a visit to Once TV in Mexico City. Five television programmes produced by Once TV was given me as a gift. Due to the new covid-19 situation in 2020, I have time to evaluate my privat film and video collections. Therefore I have decided to view the five televison programmes produced by Once TV once again in 2021. The title of the programmes is: « Mujeres y Poder « Women and power».

The title of the television programme is in Spanish: « Griselda Alvarez: Abriendo brecha».

For your information only: I had no knowledge of the famous Mexican lady who is presented in the programme. But I got fascinated by the story of her life. Griselda Alverez was born April 2, 1913 and died March 26, 2009 at an age of 95. She was the first female governor of Mexico. Griselda Alverez was Governor of the state of Colima from 1979 to 1985.

She was a poet, writer and teacher educated in writing and composition at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).


She was a Senator from the state of Jalisco from 1976 to 1979.Governor of Colima from 1979 to 1985. A founder of : « Center of Attention to Women», « The Mexican Women’s Alliance» and « The Mexican Association of Social Wellbeing».

The television programme is contenting an interview with Griselda Alverez about her family, about her education and childhood and her political work. For personal protection, she still is keeping her private revolver which she love to demonstrate for the interviewer!

Writing career

Her works include: Cementerio de Pajaros 1956, Dos cantos 1959, Desierta compania 1961, Letania erotica para la paz 1963, La sombra nina 1965, Anatomia superficial 1967 and Estacion sin nombre 1972.

The programme was produced in 1999 by Isabelle Tardan.


ONCE is a Mexican educational broadcast television network owned by National Polytechnic Institute. The network began  broadcasting in 1959.The headquarters in situated in Mexico City.





Wednesday, February 3, 2021



The debate about fake news in connection with information of war events, is a common debate close to any war conflict. The winner of the war is telling you what went on during the conflict. When movie directors want to present a known military or political conflict we know that the debate will begin again: Fake information or fictional descriptions of the conflicts? Historians who know the story of the event, do not accept too much fictional information.


Historical movies or films dealing with historical events have been an interest for some years. My main consern has been the use of archival footage in the movies. We are talking about making use of real actions or shots taken during the event described in the movie. The battle of Midway has been on my agenda for years. Books,reports and periodicals which are presenting the famous battle, have been studies. It is not any easy work to understand what went on during the battle. Therefore I approached two movies about the battle with a negative attitude: How much fiction, fake news or fantasy had been used to make the audience interested in viewing the movie?


The content of the movies is a story about the battle of Midway. The American fleet and the Imperial Japanese Navy are the fighting forces. Some main questions have to be asked before viewing the movies: What about making use of archival footage of the events? What are the directors atttiude to fictional descriptions of persons and events? How much of the content is fantacy and how much of the story is based on official reports? What about the film directors demand for making a movie for entertainment use only? What about the selection of aircrafts, guns, uniforms, cars , battleships, to make you believe in the story?


On the official poster of the movie released in 1976, famous actors are presented: Charlton Heston (1923-2008), Henry Fonda (1905-1980), Robert Mitchum (1917-1997), James Coburn (1928-2002), Glenn Ford ( 1916- 2006), Robert Wagner ( 1930 - ) and Cliff Robertson ( 1923- 2011). The selected actors are all worldwide known in year 1976. For those historians who are experts in the field of military history, the movie might present the events in a way not satisfied for for educational use? After having studied the officails reports about the battle, I think the film is not bad at all. But for those who want only actions and more actions, they may find talks about military strategy boring – but a must for understanding how complicated the battle was.


Archival footage has been used in the movie which was released in 1976.The Japanese and the American aircrafts which are shot down, are not fictional shots but made during the battle. We are approaching an interesting issue: The use of achival footage in fictional movies. Reality is better than fiction but more brutal. Those who are killed are killed in real life.


The movie was released in 2019. The title is: « Midway». What about archival footage used making you understand the dramatic events that took place on June 4-7, 1942 in the Pasific? As far as I can observe the shots I do not find real shots of the events. The making of movies in 2019 differ very much from the making of fictional movies in year 1976. The naval battle of Midway is a complicated battle to explain. To make the story short I just want to present a limited report of the battle.

The Battle of Midway was a major naval battle in the Pasific that took place on June 4 to June 7 in year 1942. The Imperial Japanese Navy launched an attack on Midway in order to eliminate the United States as a strategic power in the Pacific. The plan was to take Midway by surprise just like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. The American cryptographers had revealed the Japanese attack on Midway. The American commanders were ready for action. Even if the Japanese commandors understood that the Americans could not be taken by surprise, they went on with the attack. During the first contact between the fighting forces of Japan and Unites States, the Americans were not a winning team at all. To many American aircrafts were shot down by the Japanese  aircrafts. The movie «Midway « which was released in 2019, give you all a good report of the fighting spirit of the American pilots. Too many were killed in actions. The movie do not present a story of the many political and military issues related to the battle. This is the story of the pilots and what they all sacrificed to make an end of the Japanese attacks. The movie is a movie for those who appreciate shots of actions- too many actions. As far as I can see, I do believe in the stories of the fighting American pilots. No fake news for me.


If you want to give a lecture of the Battle of Midway for students unknown to the events, I will recommend the presentation of the movie released in 1976. The reports of the battle are complicated to present due to the facts that the Americans did not give in even if they lost ships and pilots and aircrafts. Both movies present the events as dramatic events. There are few heroes but those pilots who never gave up the fight.